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Volunteer Application Form

Once we receive your application, someone will contact you within 7-10 days to obtain more information about you and answer any questions you may have.  The next step will be to arrange an interview with you to get information for references and a background check, and provide training materials.  If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please email us at [email protected] or call at 207-370-1896 and leave a message.  

Areas of Interest for Volunteers

Computer Wiz-MAC
Computer Wiz-PC
Friendly Phone Calls
Friendly Visit
Grocery, other deliveries
Handy Person
Light Gardening
Light Household
Pet Care
Shopping assistance
Trips to Friends

Volunteer for Independent Seniors Network

Accounts payable
Answering Phones
Data Entry
Envelope Stuffing
IT Technical
Phone Outreach
Provider Vetting
Service Requests

Additional Comments

Thank you for your interest

Thank you for your interest and we will be in touch with you very soon!